'Cheat Sheet' IDEF1X Components P Z n P Z n Many-to-Many Zero, One or Many Zero or One One or More One to Exactly n Identifying Non-Identifying Relationships Optional Relationship Independant Dependant Entities Category Discriminators Complete In-Complete Key-Attributes Key-Attributes. Cheat Sheet of Mathemtical Notation and Terminology Logic and Sets Notation Terminology Explanation and Examples a:=b defined by The objectaon the side of the colon is defined byb. Examples:x:= 5means thatxis defined to be5, orf.x/:=x2.1means that the functionf is defined to bex2. 1, orA:= ^1;5;7‘means that the setAis defined to be^1;5:7‘.
2.8.3 Graphical notation; 2.8.4 Contemporary scoring techniques; 2.8.5 New instrumental techniques; 2.8.6 Further reading and scores of interest. Books and articles on contemporary musical notation; Scores and musical examples; 2.9 Ancient notation. 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles; 2.9.2 Ancient notation—common features.
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'w')
Week # Starting Sunday (1-52)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'W')
Know Thy Complexities! This webpage covers the space and time Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science. When preparing for technical interviews in the past, I found myself spending hours crawling the internet putting together the best, average, and worst case complexities for search and sorting algorithms so that I wouldn't be stumped when asked about them. Notion Shortcuts. Markdown style. on either side of your text to bold. on either side of your text to italicize ` on either side of your text to create inline code on either side of your text to strikethrough.,-,+ followed by space to create a bulleted list to create a to-do checkbox: 1.
Mongodb compass download for mac. Week # Starting Monday (1-52)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Y')
YYYY (2021)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'YY')
YY (21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'a')
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'A')
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'd')
Notion Commands
Weekday #
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dd')
Weekday (Fr)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'ddd')
Weekday (Fri)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dddd')
Weekday (Friday)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'D')
Date (1/3/21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'DD')
Date (1/03/21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'DDD')
Day # of the Year
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'h')
Hour standard (4:13 pm)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'H') Office for mac free student download.
24-Hour time (16:13 pm)
12am = 0
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'k')
24-Hour time (16:13 pm)
12am = 24
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'l')
M/D/YYYY (1/3/2021)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'll')
MMM D, YYYY (Mar 3, 2021)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'lll')
MMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'llll')
ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Wed, Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'L')
MM/DD/YYYY (03/01/21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LL')
MMMM D, YYYY (March 3, 2021)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LLL')
MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A (March 3, 2021 1:40 AM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LLLL')
dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Wednesday, March 3, 2021 1:40 PM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LT')
Time (h:mm A → 3:03 PM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'z')
Timezone (EDT)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Z')
Timezone Offset (-4:00)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'ZZ')
Timezone Offset (-0400)
Limitation: seconds are not recorded in timestamps
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'X')
Unix timestamp (1616731200)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'm')
Minute (12:03 PM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'mm')
Minute (12:03 PM)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'M')
Month (4/13/21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MM')
Month (04/13/21)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MMM')
Month (Apr)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MMMM')
Month (April)
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dddd [the] Do [of] MMMM')
Friday the 16th of May
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'llll z')
Wed, Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM EST
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:X')
formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LT zZ')
1:40 PM EDT-04:00
Extra Tips
Notion Formula Cheat Sheet
Add (.th.st.rd) to numbers with 'o'
[ex. formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Qo') = 3rd]
Turn format into a numerical value: wrap with toNumber()
[ex. toNumber(formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Q'))]
How To Setup The Database
Create one Child relation property connected both ways. Search for the database you are currently in. The second relation property that appears will be the Parent. Rename both properties accordingly.
Create one rollup property called Grandparents. Configure it to grab the parent and show that parent’s parent. A.k.a the grandparent of the current entry.
How To Create A Template To Navigate To Grandparents And Grandchildren
If you want the ability to navigate to the grandparent and grandchildren relations, something the above technique alone will not allow (rollups are only windows, not links), follow these instructions.
First, create another rollup property called Grandchildren and configure it to grab the current entry’s child’s child.
Next, create a template and insert TWO linked databases (trigger: /linked database) into the body of the page and search for the current database.
Create two columns labeled Grandparents and Grandchildren inside the template page and drag the two linked databases underneath. I switched the default table to list view.
Notion Inline Equation
Configure the filter of the Grandparents like this:
Grandchildren Rollup contains Name of Template
Configure the filter of the Grandchildren like this:
Grandparents Rollup contains Name of Template
Theory Cheat Sheet
This is a small segment of my work-in-progress family tree. Finding automatic connections between grandparents/children is essential for my setup.