Notion Cheat Sheet

'Cheat Sheet' IDEF1X Components P Z n P Z n Many-to-Many Zero, One or Many Zero or One One or More One to Exactly n Identifying Non-Identifying Relationships Optional Relationship Independant Dependant Entities Category Discriminators Complete In-Complete Key-Attributes Key-Attributes. Cheat Sheet of Mathemtical Notation and Terminology Logic and Sets Notation Terminology Explanation and Examples a:=b defined by The objectaon the side of the colon is defined byb. Examples:x:= 5means thatxis defined to be5, orf.x/:=x2.1means that the functionf is defined to bex2. 1, orA:= ^1;5;7‘means that the setAis defined to be^1;5:7‘.

  1. Notion Commands
  2. Notion Formula Cheat Sheet
  3. Notion Inline Equation
  4. Theory Cheat Sheet

2.8.3 Graphical notation; 2.8.4 Contemporary scoring techniques; 2.8.5 New instrumental techniques; 2.8.6 Further reading and scores of interest. Books and articles on contemporary musical notation; Scores and musical examples; 2.9 Ancient notation. 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles; 2.9.2 Ancient notation—common features.

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'w')

Week # Starting Sunday (1-52)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'W')

Know Thy Complexities! This webpage covers the space and time Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science. When preparing for technical interviews in the past, I found myself spending hours crawling the internet putting together the best, average, and worst case complexities for search and sorting algorithms so that I wouldn't be stumped when asked about them. Notion Shortcuts. Markdown style. on either side of your text to bold. on either side of your text to italicize ` on either side of your text to create inline code on either side of your text to strikethrough.,-,+ followed by space to create a bulleted list to create a to-do checkbox: 1.

Mongodb compass download for mac. Week # Starting Monday (1-52)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Y')

YYYY (2021)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'YY')

YY (21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'a')


formatDate(prop('Date'), 'A')


formatDate(prop('Date'), 'd')

Notion Commands

Weekday #

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dd')

Weekday (Fr)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'ddd')

Weekday (Fri)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dddd')

Weekday (Friday)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'D')

Date (1/3/21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'DD')

Date (1/03/21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'DDD')

Day # of the Year

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'h')

Hour standard (4:13 pm)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'H') Office for mac free student download.

24-Hour time (16:13 pm)

  • 12am = 0

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'k')

24-Hour time (16:13 pm)

  • 12am = 24

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'l')

M/D/YYYY (1/3/2021)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'll')

MMM D, YYYY (Mar 3, 2021)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'lll')

MMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'llll')

ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Wed, Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'L')

MM/DD/YYYY (03/01/21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LL')

MMMM D, YYYY (March 3, 2021)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LLL')

MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A (March 3, 2021 1:40 AM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LLLL')

dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A (Wednesday, March 3, 2021 1:40 PM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LT')

Time (h:mm A → 3:03 PM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'z')

Timezone (EDT)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Z')

Timezone Offset (-4:00)


formatDate(prop('Date'), 'ZZ')

Timezone Offset (-0400)

Limitation: seconds are not recorded in timestamps

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'X')

Unix timestamp (1616731200)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'm')

Minute (12:03 PM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'mm')

Minute (12:03 PM)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'M')

Month (4/13/21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MM')

Month (04/13/21)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MMM')

Month (Apr)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'MMMM')

Month (April)

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'dddd [the] Do [of] MMMM')

Friday the 16th of May

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'llll z')

Wed, Mar 3, 2021 1:40 AM EST

formatDate(prop('Date'), 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:X')


formatDate(prop('Date'), 'LT zZ')

1:40 PM EDT-04:00

Extra Tips

Notion Formula Cheat Sheet

  • Add ( to numbers with 'o'

    • [ex. formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Qo') = 3rd]

  • Turn format into a numerical value: wrap with toNumber()

    • [ex. toNumber(formatDate(prop('Date'), 'Q'))]


How To Setup The Database

  • Create one Child relation property connected both ways. Search for the database you are currently in. The second relation property that appears will be the Parent. Rename both properties accordingly.

  • Create one rollup property called Grandparents. Configure it to grab the parent and show that parent’s parent. A.k.a the grandparent of the current entry.

How To Create A Template To Navigate To Grandparents And Grandchildren

  • If you want the ability to navigate to the grandparent and grandchildren relations, something the above technique alone will not allow (rollups are only windows, not links), follow these instructions.

  • First, create another rollup property called Grandchildren and configure it to grab the current entry’s child’s child.

  • Next, create a template and insert TWO linked databases (trigger: /linked database) into the body of the page and search for the current database.

  • Create two columns labeled Grandparents and Grandchildren inside the template page and drag the two linked databases underneath. I switched the default table to list view.

Notion Inline Equation

  • Configure the filter of the Grandparents like this:

    • Grandchildren Rollup contains Name of Template

  • Configure the filter of the Grandchildren like this:

    • Grandparents Rollup contains Name of Template

Theory Cheat Sheet

This is a small segment of my work-in-progress family tree. Finding automatic connections between grandparents/children is essential for my setup.