Phase One Pro

Each full-version release of Capture One software from Phase One offers at least one major new feature as well as a few minor ones, and Capture One 12 is no exception. Where version 11 added somewhat improved masking tools, version 12 takes a giant step forward by introducing straightforward luminosity masking along with a new radial gradient masking tool and an improved linear gradient masking tool.

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Luminosity masks are simply masks that affect certain tonal values in an image. They are incredibly versatile, convenient, and offer a precise way to target tonal values in an image. They allow a new level of selecting, adjusting, and compositing images in Capture One.

Landscape photographers have struggled for years to create luminosity masks in Adobe Photoshop as a way to adjust the dynamic range of their captures and blend images together. Capture One 12 has simplified this process and extends it for use by portrait and wedding photographers. You can not only create luminosity masks of subjects but can also easily apply the masks to multiple captures.

© Stan Sholik
By adjusting the sliders in the Luma Range dialog box, you confine the mask to the area of interest.


Luminosity masking is found in the Color, Exposure, and Details tool tabs. After creating a luminosity mask, you can use virtually all of the tools in the appropriate tool tab to adjust the masked area.

As with all the tools in Capture One, luminosity masking is a visual experience designed for photographers. After opening an image and navigating to the appropriate tool tab, you apply a new filled layer mask and select the Luma Range button above the layer. A new window appears with the Luma Range controls. By dragging the upper knobs, you control the range of tonal values for the mask. The mask overlay adjusts dynamically with the changes. The lower knobs control the feather of the mask. Fine-tune the mask with Radius and sensitivity sliders. Once you’ve masked the tonal values you want, click Apply and make whatever adjustments you had in mind.

Luminosity masks are on individual layers so they travel from tool tab to tool tab. Additional luminosity masks can be added, and existing ones are non-destructive so they can be readjusted at any time.

© Stan Sholik© Stan SholikPhase One Pro
I achieved the smoothing I wanted (top) then copied and pasted the changes, along with the luma mask, into others without worrying about differences in composition (bottom).


© Stan Sholik
The final output after adjusting skin uniformity with a luminosity mask.

This is the stuff that landscape photographers live for, but the coolest ability of Capture One’s luminosity masking is designed for portraits, especially those made under controlled lighting. In Capture One 12, luminosity masks can be copied and pasted into other images to target the same tonal areas as the original. Effectively, this gives a different mask to adjust the same tonal range in other images, even if the composition is different.

For example, imagine you want to mask and adjust the skin tone in a series of portraits from a session. Create a luminosity mask and adjust one of the images using the Uniformity tools found in the Skin Tone tool of the Color Editor. Then select the other images, open the layers palette, and shift-click the double-headed arrow. The luminosity mask and skin tone adjustments are immediately applied to the rest of the images. Very slick.

Phase One Program


While luminosity masking is the most significant new feature in Capture One 12, others are noteworthy as well.

A new radial gradient masking tool and improved linear gradient masking tool are found with a click-hold of the Brush tool. Click and drag the radial gradient (formerly a brush function), and the ellipse forms from the center. Once the tool overlay is visible, dragging the handles adjusts the shape. Both tools have additional options for control by holding down shift + cmd/ctrl or ctrl/alt keys. The new radial gradient tool is ideal for creating fast, precise vignettes, among other uses.

The mask visibility is controlled by the M key, which brings up another feature that will appeal to keyboard shortcut users—a new keyboard shortcut manager under the Edit menu. There are more than 500 possibilities. Create a new set that copies all of the default shortcuts, then modify existing shortcuts or add new ones. A complete list of shortcuts is visible by clicking the Summarize tab.

© Professional Photographers of America

As a longtime user of Capture One, I noticed that the interface looked a little different. Sure enough, the silver type on a deep black background is replaced by white type on a warm charcoal gray background. The icons are larger and a few are redesigned, the cursors are larger, as are the fonts and the thumbnails in the batch queue. These make the interface seem cleaner and more legible, particularly on large, high-pixel-count monitors.

The interface remains extremely customizable. You can drag tool palettes from their docked position anywhere on the monitor or onto another monitor or hide them until needed. The toolbar, other than the default toolset, is also customizable.

Users moving to Capture One from other applications have the benefit of a superb set of tutorials, available from the Help menu, to get started with the program. I encourage new and existing users to make use of the extensive video tutorials on the Phase One website to get up to speed on the program and the latest features in version 12.

The pricing of Capture One Pro 12 remains $299 for new users, which includes a perpetual license to all upgrades to this version. Upgrade pricing from previous versions has increased to $149. Capture One Pro subscribers can download the new version at no cost.

Stan Sholik is a photographer and writer in Santa Clemente, California.

Tags: phase onepost capture


Quick Takes
On Cloud Nine

For Lan Nguyen, daydreaming pays off.

Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today, to remember Phase One Media Pro – RIP (1995-2018.) We at Daminion send our condolences to the family and friends of Media Pro. A collective wail of despair escaped the photography community on August 30th, 2018. Phase One unceremoniously announced that Media Pro reached ‘end-of-life.’ This came as a surprise to many loyal users. This left Media Pro users scrambling for an alternative or replacement. After all, Media Pro was the stand-alone DAM of choice for many a photographer.

I once heard it said of man that “The idea is to die young as late as possible.”

George H.W. Bush

Hell hath no fury as a Media Pro user scorned…

Not surprisingly, a fierce and bitter backlash came from many sources. A photographer is a creature of habit. When you disrupt a tried and tested workflow, you should expect a riot in the streets. Media Pro users are jumping ship in search of a substitute.

To clarify, as David Mantripp blogged, the longevity of Phase One Media Pro was a compliment to the original Microsoft developers. He continues: Media Pro was considered the benchmark in standalone DAM for the photographer, even after 15 years of neglect from Capture One. Apart from a few cosmetic changes, late rendering engine, and an increase in catalogue size limit, it remains virtually untouched.


Apparently, Phase One is now directing existing users to switch to Capture One (without a free license or even a discount.) According to David, Capture One has far less functionality and is “…quite frankly a joke compared to
Phase One Media Pro for cataloguing.” In addition, there are reports of a software bug that flattens hierarchical keywords during import. Another user reports missing People annotations from his photography after migrating from Media Pro.

But what is the alternative? Replace the whole system?

No point crying over spilt milk

Enough about end-of-life software! Let’s look at the alternative: Daminion Server! A replacement, if you will. Daminion is a software solution that is under active development. With every new release, the developers include new functionality. Above all, Daminion provides a feature set above and beyond that of Media Pro.

Broad range of media format support

Daminion supports almost all of the media formats that are currently in circulation. Image formats like photography raster formats, vector and camera RAW. In addition, video, audio, Adobe PDF, and Microsoft Office formats

Metadata support

Daminion (like Media Pro) supports XMP, IPTC, EXIF & MWG metadata. Your keywords and tags are not only saved in the catalogue (database,) but also in the files themselves. If you create content for the web, you know the importance of metadata.

Robust search functionality

Searching is Daminion’s great strength! Use text-based searching or tag filtering to include or exclude criteria. Add operators to search exclusively or inclusively. Construct advanced searches or refine existing results. Save queries for quick reference after the fact.

Use powerful filters on your keywords (or any other metadata for that matter.) Consequently, your searching is surgical in precision. As an alternative or replacement to Media Pro, you will love the power of Daminion search!

You will never be flipping through folders and folders of files looking for your assets again! Save hours wasted looking for files and use that time to work on your projects. Time is the only resource that you will never be able to replenish.

Comprehensive cataloging

Download kali linux for mac virtualbox. The metadata inspector shows all relevant metadata (any photographer will love this) when you select an asset. Existing metadata is available right after import. When you choose Daminion as a replacement or alternative, you do not lose your hard work. Daminion will import all your Media Pro keywords. Also, complex hierarchical taxonomies are easy to manage and navigate. Next level, easy, catalogue control.

Consolidation with other systems

So, you do not only store your images. We get that. You also do touch-ups, edits and manipulate your photography. Configure Daminion to open your assets in external applications.

It takes a village

Teamwork made easy

If you are a lone wolf, this might not apply. However, there will come a time when your studio takes off and growth snowballs. Rapid growth means more team members. All are using the same store of images at the same time.

When you put the right system in place, a system that will scale as you grow, you have future proofed your digital assets.

Daminion Server is built with teams in mind. A version control system keeps track of your edits. Lock files in progress from overwrites and edits. Keep a record of all the edits. So you can revert back to a previous version with a full audit history.

Create your own custom sets of user permissions and consequently restrict access to sensitive information. Use a Microsoft Active Directory or secure your files at the Daminion Server level.

Support and training

Digital asset management is at times intuitive and easy to pick up. But some concepts are counter-intuitive. We include training in every Daminion license as well as a 24-hour turnaround on support requests.

In addition to a top-notch DAMS, you get a personalised one-on-one training session. Our Daminion experts will assist you remotely with setting up and configuration. Remote access support and troubleshooting keeps you up and running.

We want you to get the most out of our software. That is why we commit to listening to your input.

Phase One Producer

Getting started with Daminion

Are your corporate digital assets still disorganized or you want to check this? Request a demo and get all your questions answered with one of our resident customer champions.

Phase One Producer

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